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I started doing pilates with Tosha after I had a back injury four years ago. At work, I spend long days doing electrical heart surgery in a lead apron as protection from x-rays. Even before my injury, my back would hurt until after a long day of surgery until I went to bed. Now, AT MOST I have a little ache after work. I recommend Tosha enthusiastically and without hesitation. Her trained eye sees exactly how I am using my muscles, and which muscles are not doing their job. She has and unerring sense for exactly how hard to push me to ensure I get the most of each session. She is extremely responsible, and she takes her students' progress very seriously. I feel very lucky to have her as my teacher.

Deborah Goodwin

Partner, Franklin Street Creative

Santa Monica, CA

While I’ve had a love affair with Pilates for a long time, I was not very committed to the practice until two years ago.

The reason for my new dedication is Tosha Pierce.

Every session with Tosha is a challenge, but one she encourages me to take. I always do more than I think I can, and when the hour is over, exhilarated and exhausted, I feel a sense of personal victory. I’ve learned how to connect the mental and the physical when I work out. It’s an ongoing battle to get the two working together, but with Tosha’s watchful eye and insight, I’m learning how to make the connection.

I have issues with my lower back and am often concerned about aggravating it more with certain types of movements. I have grown to trust that Tosha always has my well being in mind during each Pilates’ session, and won’t let me hurt myself.

My body is definitely evolving because of Pilates – I stand straighter, feel stronger and every part of my body seems to have a tighter, better shape.

Pilates with Tosha is fun, stimulating and an incredible work out. I’ve never had a better Pilates’ teacher.

Tosha is a sensitive and focused Pilates instructor – she knows my strengths and weaknesses and she provides personal attention and motivation. So unless I’m out of town, Monday nights with Tosha are sacred!

*Better Body Alignment and Balance

*A Stronger Abdominal Core

*Increased Flexibility and Muscle Control

*Increased Overall Body Strength

Whether you're male or female, beginner or advanced, Pilates by Tosha Pierce is the perfect fitness system for everyone and all walks of life! I highly recommend it!

V. Fisher- Los Angeles, CA

Patty Hutsler

tour consultant

American Council for International Studies

Female Friends

Dr. Charles Swerdlow MD, FAHA, FACC, FHRS

I started taking Tosha’s Pilates class on Monday nights after the urging of a friend of mine. To my delight and surprise, her sessions have increased my fitness and well-being to a level I didn’t think was possible. I knew I needed to strengthen my core, as I was frequently throwing out my back, but in addition to not having to visit the chiropractor any more, I’ve strengthened my legs and arms. When I took my annual ski trip in February, my strength and endurance was definitely evident when I was able to keep up with my husband and friends on the more difficult runs!

I've been taking Pilates from Tosha Pierce for over a year now and I have to say that it was one of the best health and fitness decisions that I've ever made!

As a professional dancer, I've definitely racked up my fair share of injuries over the years. Since taking Pilates from Tosha Pierce, I've gained:

Also, getting compliments on my new, lean and sculpted body doesn't hurt either!

Yoga Pose

"Pilates with Tosha is fun, stimulating and an incredible work out. I’ve never had a better Pilates’ teacher."


Deborah Goodwin, Partner Street Creative

Santa Monica,CA

Leg Stretching Yoga Pose

"To my delight and surprise, her sessions have increased my fitness and well-being to a level I didn’t think was possible."



Patty Hustler

Tour Consultant

American Counsel for Independent Studies

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